Many people have wondered where we are located. If you are in the area, feel free to stop in!
Friends salvage business out of old powersport parts
Well, I always grew up around sleds and bikes so it was natural for me to get into the hobby. I was riding dirtbikes and snowmbiles by the age of four and always was watching my dad and uncle work on their trucks and sleds. I never really took up sports in elementary, middle or high school it was always the things with a motor. Why toss a football around when you can be modifying a dirtbike! I was always looking for a way to step it up a notch, get that extra kick so I’m always tinkering with things. Nothing is fast enough in my opinion! I really enjoy snowmobiling, dirtbiking and boating/jetskiing. BK is my second job having to do with toys and I want to continue working them for as long as I can. I love taking apart snowmobiles, dirtbikes and quads. Kill one, resurrect many.