Monday, September 29, 2008
BK Boats WEB CAM..
Follow the LINK to the site - just click the "SINGLE' tab once at this site.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
BkBoatnSleds Makes Headlines

BK - Northwest Herald
Friends salvage business out of old powersport parts
Childhood friends and Barrington-area natives Doug Hein and Mike Missak try not to take things too seriously.
“We just kind of roll with the punches and take it as it comes; it seems to work out in the end,” Missak said. “Doug says it best: ‘Fake it ’til you make it.’ ”
And they are making it. After years of doubling as owners and “parts department manager” or “sales manager,” they hired their first employee last month – even if he is just 16 years old.
“I can kind of see why my dad got on me when I was 16,” said Hein, now living in Crystal Lake.
But he’s learned a lot in the intervening 12 years. For example, he parlayed a business administration degree from Northern Illinois University into a successful independent business – with the help of Missak, also 28, of Fox Lake.
“I’ve never had a real job,” said Hein, looking every bit the part of a grease-stained beachcomber, dressed in a sleeveless T-shirt, flip-flops and a bandana holding back a shock of blond hair. “I don’t even know how to tie a tie.”
But he did know how to sell to list and sell items on eBay.
He also was able to sniff out bargains and resell merchandise at a profit. His dad deals in antiques and collectibles.
Missak earned a biology degree from Ripon College in Ripon, Wis., then worked seven years as a packaging engineer at PepsiCo, Inc. before he was laid off in 2005. He turned to what had been a part-time weekend venture: Buying and reselling boats and snowmobiles; spurred on by “The Secret,” an inspirational DVD that his mother made him watch. They find items listed online, as well as at garage sales, auctions and by word of mouth.
“ ‘We’re already doing this. What is stopping us from doing this full-time?’ ” Missak recalled asking Hein. “We each put in $1,000 of our own money and watched it grow from there.”
What began in the backyard of Hein’s parents’ house, Missak’s garage, and a corner of a friend’s marina in Fox Lake, consolidated into a rented business suite in April.
Shelves are chocked full of parts, surrounding a garage bay and abutting a small office.
“We do in a day now what usually took about a week,” Hein said. “On average, 15 to 20 items leave here each day. Today, maybe 40 items went out.”
They have shipped a 15-foot ski boat to Europe. Another man drove down from Canada to pick up a boat. And the remnants from this “legal chop shop?” They are sold or given away, as is, using online sites or by word of mouth. For example, two stripped-down boat hulls were donated as garbage scows for Saturday’s Swing Crew Sandbar Party on Petite Lake.
“If a voice mail message comes in, we pounce on it,” Hein said. “You don’t get a boat on the weekend. It happens on a Tuesday morning or Wednesday afternoon.”
They pride themselves on securing high-quality service in a timely fashion.
“Basically, these are boats that are sitting around,” Missak said. “They have trees growing out of them.”
Removing them frees up a $500 seasonal slip at a local marina. A buyer gets coveted boat or snowmobile part. They make money.
“Everything just fell into place,” Missak said. “Every month, we grow the business.”
Their goal in the next five years is to move into a larger building, become a recognized power sports dealer, and be the first name that people think of when they need a snowmobile part or rare part for their grandfather’s outboard motor.
The Fox Waterway Agency has granted BK salvage rights for any unclaimed watercraft in the Fox River, pending review by local police and Department of Natural Resources.
“Some of the stuff is really stuck,” said Hein, who confessed to using everything from winches to tow ropes to haul Fiberglass carcasses from the water. “We know people with contracts. ... If there’s a will, there’s a way.”
Sunday, July 13, 2008
AS an example of many in stock items:
Fuel Tank locks, Gas cap keys, Drain Plugs, Speedo Pitots, Flush muffs, Power anchors, Blowers, Bilge Pumps, Float switches, Tow Drawbars / Balls, Marine trailer carpet, Minn Kota Accessories. ETC ...ETC
A lot of the common - must have- items to get ya back on the water!
Also we have small anchor floats we are offing a discount on to all FOTF-ers ( PERFECT for swing crew, and the weekends at the sand bar to mark your anchors.
We hope to be able to help out the local boaters, so if there is anything you need feel free to call we will beat local prices of places like West Marine, Munson, Chicago Sea Ray, Etc.
Mike / Doug
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
(Co Owner)
(Co Owner)
Well, I always grew up around sleds and bikes so it was natural for me to get into the hobby. I was riding dirtbikes and snowmbiles by the age of four and always was watching my dad and uncle work on their trucks and sleds. I never really took up sports in elementary, middle or high school it was always the things with a motor. Why toss a football around when you can be modifying a dirtbike! I was always looking for a way to step it up a notch, get that extra kick so I’m always tinkering with things. Nothing is fast enough in my opinion! I really enjoy snowmobiling, dirtbiking and boating/jetskiing. BK is my second job having to do with toys and I want to continue working them for as long as I can. I love taking apart snowmobiles, dirtbikes and quads. Kill one, resurrect many.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Rockford Speedway Trail Races!

Bk has donated a boat and trailer to a driver whom will tow a junk boat in a trailer race event at the Rockford speedway June 7th!
Be sure to watch for it!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Stolen Gas? Are YOU protected?
With the costs of rising fuel prices theft has become a large concern! For cars the new fad is puncturing holes in the fuel tank to drain the liquid gold, while in boats its simply easy to just siphon or pump out the fuel!
The local FWA (Fox Waterway Agency) just had over 150 gal of fuel stolen from their fleet of boats! Protect your tank from being tampered with as well as having that fuel stolen! Contact us about a tank lock for that boat!!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
BK Headquarters
Please feel free to call about any specific aftermarket parts you are looking for...815-363-1254
Thanks for all the support!