The first annual Bk Swap n Show was this past weekend. We had some awesome weather for it and a lot of people came out to the BK shop for the first time. It was also awesome to see some familiar faces as well. The swappers were a little thin, but there was some great deals and I watched some big items leave the lot. A 2 place enclosed trailer was sold out of the swaps pretty early in the day.

The swappers that did show up came in all types of vehicles. I have never seen a load job like this Arctic Cat, but I guess as long as it fits, it works! There was quite the selection of items this past weekend. I saw stock parts, aftermarket, new stuff, and some random items that were just laying around the house.

We also had the folks from
SnowmobileCalendar.com visit with us! They were one of the few vendors that joined us for the event. Amanda and Bill also left us a bunch of 2010 calendars for our local's that missed the swap. Calendars are available for $10 at the shop. Other local business' and clubs that joined us were
Profound Hound,
Got your DJ.com and
The McHenry Sledheads. I also met Mike Potts from the Jim Potts Motor Group out in Woodstock, Illinois..."No one knows Skidoo like they doo".

The BK shop exploded out into the lot too! We had a nice ultra for sale, the BK grill was making burgers, the couch offered a place to relax and a customer sold us a sled.. The golf carts were out and about too. The new "Sled Heaven" loft was a hit too. We had a lot of folks hanging out in the 800 square foot loft browsing the part bins. There were some great deals Sunday.

There were also some very creative sledders out there. The above picture is of custom footrests that a customer of ours has fabricated. They are very solid and a lot wider than stock. They are very slick looking. Please contact the BK shop if you have interest in hearing more.

Can't afford a slushguard? Here is a very creative solution. This guy has about $50 into this homemade slush guard. It is 1 & 1/2 plastic 55 gallon drums. It actually looked pretty nice in person. He had to point it out to me because I did not notice.

One of the most interesting sleds at the show was this older VMAX. The motor and pipe was all custom painted to match the decals of the sled. But thats not it...this sled is protected by a Python car alarm. Thats right, if you open the hood, jump on the seat, or tamper with the ignition, the alarm will sound. It is all controlled by remote. It was pretty slick.
Thank you to everyone that came out! It was a great turn out for being the first annual. We will be working on more events and will keep you all posted!