Well, we are always open to new ideas and new avenues.... and when a 1997 Buick Regal came across our plate for $600, we decided to take it. This isn't the first car that we have dealt with, but it was the first car that we have decided to part. Let me tell you, parting a car seems like a great idea on paper. Once you get into the process though, you realize quickly that there are a LOT of parts on a car!
Once we were done, we loaded it on a car hauler to take to the scrap yard. Right about that time, the local scrapper stopped in. We had told him the week before that he could take it, but he wanted it all cut up, so we decided to handle it ourselves. This time though, he saw how stripped out it was and told us, "If you can get it in my truck, I can give ya $50 for it." That seemed like a better deal than messing around all day taking it to the yard, so we took it.
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