Team Monster's Original Race Sled? Shreks Sled? The Bastard Child of a Polaris and Arctic Cat? Call it what you will, but I think we can all agree that this may be the UGLIEST sled ever. How does one obtain the ugliest sled ever? All it took was a phone call......
The phone rang at the BK shop and it was answered just like any other call. The kid said that he had a sled to sell and described it a little. He was looking to get rid of it for $200-$250.... it was a sled that was at the farm and just wasn't ridden much any more. We needed more information than that so Mike asked the kid...."is there any rips in the seat? Cracks in the hood?"... the response was, "no... the seat is in good shape and there are no cracks in the hood. It is a decent older sled." Now, when someone describes a 1986 Polaris 500 over the phone to you, you get a certain image in your head. Those were maroon or gray in color and pretty bland looking.
Flash to about 2 hours later. A kid walks into the shop and mentions he brought in the sled that we had spoken about over the phone earlier. Mike was busy, so I (Doug), headed outside to see the sled. I came out of the door and saw this in his truck. I looked the kid right in the eye and said..."What the %$@# is that?" I gave it the once over and told him I would give him the $200. Between the chain case, running motor and the track I would be ok. The rest could go in the dumpster.
I wanted to film Mikes reaction to it, but he didn't give me enough time to get the camera. He peeked out the window and said, "What the hell, I thought he had a polaris." I told him it was a polaris and he disagreed. I assured him it was.
The moral of the story is if you are buying something, make sure you ask the right questions. Technically, I the hood has no cracks and the seat is not ripped. And technically, we did not ask if it had been Slimed on a Nickelodeon show. And if you are selling something....you MAY want to mention that you and your buddies unloaded a can of lime green spray paint on your Grandpa's sled. Just Sayin.
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