Sunday, October 28, 2012

4 Killer Deals

Choose one of the following deals this week and hopefully you get away scott free.......

Offers are only available through
Offers can not be combined.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Open House Nov 3rd

Come on out and join us for a good time!
Nov 3rd
27992 rt 120
Lakemoor, IL

Free Swap spots if you want to bring parts to sell.
Free food for everyone!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Milwaukee Wrap Up

Well the Milwaukee Snow Show was a great success for us.  We handed out thousands of cards, sold over 200 shirts, and talked to an insane amount of ditch bangers.  We had a show stopper booth inside and a spread of parts out in the swap.  It rained a majority of the time outside, but some quick thinking by our swap team allowed customers to shop inside our 24 ft trailer.  No rain could stop those deals!

Inside, we had snowmobile with a tv under the hood.  You could see the tv through a burnt hole in the hood. About 25 people recognized the sled from the Belvidere Swap the weekend before Milwaukee.  With the help of or wonderful booth model, Missy, or street team launched the girl version of the I Bang Ditches shirts.  They were a hit along with the original shirts.  By Sunday, the street team was sold out of the shirts and stickers were running low.  Success?  I think so.  This is the start of a kick ass season and we are excited to share it with you!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Swap Season

It's swap season and here in the Midwest it is in full swing.  With talk of snow hitting out west and the temps starting to dip, sleds are the talk of the town.  They have not hit mainstream conversations yet, but the die hard ditch bangers are buzzing in the garages.  Some of the swaps that are coming up are Belvidere, IL Oct 7th, The Milwaukee Snow Show Oct 12-14th, Pecatonica, IL Oct 14th, and the Jefferson, Wi Vintage Swap Oct 20th.  There are talk of a few others but no dates have been announced.  We are talking about an open house and swap meet Nov 3rd here at the shop.  We will confirm that date and make an announcement soon.  So you have been waiting for it.... get out there, buy some parts, get some deals, and hang with your sled family!