The tale of Captain Stripnship begins on the shallow waters of Grass Lake. The moon had just risen over Blarney's and the race crowd had dispersed. Cpt. Stripnship was short his crew on the S.S. Junkboat. He was left alone to navigate the tricky shallow waters of the lake. As he pulled from Blarney's, the boat bogged and the mud pulled at the prop. The Captain knew that he was in trouble. It all happened so fast he says. The needle rose on the temp gauge, and the impending doom became a reality. The impeller was no more and the motor overheated.
Captain Stripnship was towed ashore by a friendly vessel flying the FOTF flag. Once back on the trailer, the S.S. Junkboat was towed to land storage. Captain Stripnship spent many nights on the boat and procrastinated on fixing his wounded vessel. The summer slowly faded to fall and winter was quick to follow.
The blistering Northern Illinois winter did not treat the S.S. Junkboat kindly. But like a good Captain, Stripnship did not abandon ship. When the spring flowers sprouted on the floor of the Junkboat, Captain Stripnship felt that something was wrong. It had dawned on him that he has not winterized the beastly motor that lies beneath the floor of his aquatic home. He hurried to the motor and stuck his hand up under the manifold. There he felt the scar that had taken the life out of his beloved old gal.
After he wipped his tears from his eyes, he saw a card that had fallen below the seat. He pulled it out and saw a familiar Logo. It read, "We buy Junk Boats". He called the number and spoke with Mike and Doug. They said that they would take the ol' girl and that the lost title was not a problem ( it was lost in a poker game to one of Capone's relatives).
The boat was towed to Bk Boat n Sleds in Lakemoor, IL. Captain Stripnship was so intrigued with the whole operation that he accepted them onto his crew. The S.S. Junkboat was laid to rest in the Countryside landfill and the Captain will forever miss her.
It is said that Captain Stripnship now resides at the Bk Boat n Sleds' Lakemoor location. Every time a boat is pulled in for salvage, empty beer can's appear in the hull and the voice of Captain Stripnship can be heard in the breeze....."When in doubt, Part it out"
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