Friday, April 9, 2010

Whats a Junk Boat?

We at Bk Boat n would like to inform everyone what a 'junk boat' looks like. We know that in any given neighborhood, there are probably 1-5 junk boats. These boats are typically in the backyard or side yard of older homes. Once in a while there will be one in a garage. This is usually the case in newer neighborhoods, or if the owner was thinking it was a project.

Junk boats typically do not have titles with them. If anything, there may be a trailer title, but rarely a boat title. This is because the boat was a relative's that passed, a friend that gave it away, or the boat has been in the yard so long, the title has been misplaced.

Please enjoy this informational video to see what a real junk boat looks like. If you have one that matches most or all of this criteria, get rid of the's junk.

Please share this with your friends, so THEY know what to look for also.

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