One of our owners, Doug Hein, got called out on his Facebook use. It has happened in the past, but this challenge was very specific; "stay off Facebook for 48hrs, and you win a lunch" was the challenge set in place by Drew Ferraro. Something in that statement, probably the 'free lunch', got to Doug deep enough, that he excepted. Now, to get an idea of how much Facebooking Doug does, consider this.... he keeps his personal page, the BK fan page, the 'I Bang Ditches' page, Doug's Couch, and about 6 other fan pages rolling all day/every day.... and he keeps it all updated on the go too via Blackberry apps and email.... I am exhausted just explaining it. It has also been stated by a few of his Facebook friends that he has been 'hidden' on thier status feeds because he was monopolizing thier feeds.... thats a problem.
So Doug accepted and COMPLETED the challenge... but there was some loop holes that he had used in the process. The BK youtube account is attached to the other owner's, Mike Missak, Facebook page. Doug was able to get some videos up to his Facebook community via this connection, and took over Missak's page in the process.
Here are the videos from a Facebook addict detoxing from the social networking site.....
So there you have it. Doug has been unleashed BACK into the Facebook community. Expect a lot of posts in the next 24 hours to make up for his lost time. I am sure there will be some give aways on the BK fan page too..... Thanks for checking out the blog and if you or anyone you know is addicted to Facebook tell them they are not alone, BK has one too....
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